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Open to all players ( Rated & Unrated ) born on or after 01.01.2008.

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El Mercado Mall Junior Blitz Chess Tournament ( Under-16) | 23-11-2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.11.2024 14:39:12, Creator/Last Upload: Arjun's Chess Academy.

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1Prithvi, Raj Prajeesh33361258IND1923
2Rishi, N25942425IND1759
4Mikael, Vivek Joseph48785865IND1668
5Suyash, Sunil Bayalan33393672IND1635
6Gabriel, Vivek Joseph48785881IND1632
7Nirvaan, Ashish Modi33368929IND1611
8Jishnu, Balajee Meenu48744972IND1605
9Anirudh, Varadhan Srinivasan88170535IND1598
10Aradhy, Roy88166325IND1580
11Nyrav, Gopalakrishnan48798398IND1558U10
12Shayna, Nagvekar25926314IND1532w
13Khush, Dholaria25942131IND1525
14Dhrupad, Lohidas33458227IND1510
15Leon, Varghese88198987IND1453
16Ganesh, Sree Chandra429041945IND1449
17Avaneesh, Kulkarni429000068IND1406
18Akshaj Bijesh,IND0
19Akshith Kishor,IND0U10
20Apramey, Kulkarni429041961IND0
21Ayra, Mehta429019478IND0w
22Dhruv, Trivedi33393770IND0
23Ekansh Kejriwal,IND0U10
24Esther, Vivek Joseph429013372IND0wU10
25Jonah, K Aji48740276IND0
26Madhav Manesh,IND0U10
27Muhammad, Ahmad Umar7817096PAK0
28Muralikrishna Adikessavan,IND0
29Pranav Senthil,IND0
30Shaarav, Haneesh Balankurup88121003IND0U10
31Shanmuga Valliappan Alagappan,IND0U10
32Shayaan, Rashid429018382IND0
33Sreehari Suresh,IND0
34Vivaan, Anand429046459IND0