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Vanuatu Alliance Gallery Tournament

Last update 25.11.2024 22:38:39, Creator/Last Upload: Vanuatu Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Delrieu, Pierre241000145VAN1705
2Delrieu, Marc241000137VAN1644
3Ellison, Jeremy241000030VAN1633
4Milfirer, Ela241000218VAN1584
5Delrieu, Kaina241000153VAN1578
6Delrieu, Lou-Anne241000161VAN1517
7Borlasa, John241000439VAN0
8Chmurzynska, Agnieszka241000250VAN0
9Cumbo, Ennio241000390VAN0
10Dague, Theo241000269VAN0
11Dennis, Eliza241000200VAN0
12Derousseau, Frederic241000420VAN0
13Gardais, Philippe241000382VAN0
14Gottfried, Olivia241000226VAN0
15Hannon, Paul241000277VAN0
16Idieder, Remy241000285VAN0
17Liliord, Rick241000129VAN0
18Mahit, Junior241000358VAN0
19Melau, Willie241000374VAN0
20Milne, Elvis241000323VAN0
21Nand, Armaan241000293VAN0
22Nompavos, Lesly241000013VAN0
23Norman, Cynthia241000366VAN0
24Perocevic, Joliane241000242VAN0
25Su, Sean241000099VAN0
26Tasso, Jayson241000307VAN0
27Trau, Casper241000315VAN0
28Wong, Gregory241000404VAN0
29Wong, Stephane241000331VAN0
30Wu, John241000447VAN0