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The 19th LSH

Last update 24.11.2024 10:38:46, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1JE, Jiwoo13216023KOR1742
2JANG, Seojun13216520KOR1739
3CHOI, Hyunbin13211382KOR1729
4HAN, Yongsu13225308KOR1702
5KIM, Junesun31001661GUM1639
6LEE, Minjoon C13222805KOR1596
7MOON, Heesung13221639KOR1573
8CHUNG, Yeseo13223178KOR1554
9LEE, Yule13220390KOR1543
10CHUNG, Jaeheon13221981KOR1528
11AHN, Junmin13224018KOR1514
12HUR, Jiyu13227475KOR1492
13JANG, Seungwoo13218875KOR1477
14KIM, Jihun13227467KOR1444
15SEO, Yerin13226258KOR1416
16CHOI, Robin13224395KOR0
17HWANG, Siwoo13229575KOR0
18JUNG, Jaeyeon13221787KOR0
19KIM, Gibeom13222651KOR0
20LEE, Onyu13226266KOR0
21PARK, Ianyu13219413KOR0
22SEOL, Youngjun13220128KOR0