Das Turnier wird je nach Teilnehmerzahl in einer oder mehreren Gruppen gespielt. Maximal 8 Teilnehmer pro Gruppe!

ASK Klubmeisterschaft 2025

Organizer(s)ASK Salzburg
FederationAustria ( AUT )
Tournament directorGernot Neuwirth
Chief-ArbiterNA Reinhard Vlasak
Bedenkzeit (Standard)90 min plus 30 sek pro Zug
SiteEichetstraße 29-31, 5020 Salzburg
Number of rounds0
Tournament typeRound robin
Rating calculationRating national
Date2025/01/08 to 2025/03/26
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 03.12.2024 23:16:27, Creator/Last Upload: Reinhard Vlasak - ASK Salzburg

TournamentselectionA-Turnier, B-Turnier
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Parameterselection no tournament-details
ListsStarting rank list of players, Alphabetical list of players, Alphabetical list all groups
Federation-, Game- and Title-statistics, Time-table
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, AUT rating-calculation, QR-Codes

Rank after Round 0

Rk.SNoAAAFEDRtgClub/City TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Mörwald, MagdalenaAUT1984Ask Salzburg000
22Neuwirth, GernotAUT1821Ask Salzburg000
33Thalhammer, KlausAUT1787Ask Salzburg000
44Untersteiner, RichardAUT1576Ask Salzburg000
55Rosenlechner, GerhardAUT1659Hallein000
66Leitner, BernhardAUT1815Ask Salzburg000
77Pöllner, FlorianGER1651Ask Salzburg000
88Stader, StefanAUT1839Ask Salzburg000

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Number of games played with black (BPG)