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Seva Samiti's Adarsh V. V. High School 90th Year Celebration Salcete School's Team Championship

Последно обновяване23.11.2024 10:33:01, Creator/Last Upload: Goa Chess Association

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Крайно класиране след 5 кръга

Rk.СтНоОтборПартии  +   =   -  ТБ1  ТБ2  ТБ3  ТБ4 
12Mahila And Nutan H/s55001018,5520
21Presentation H/s5311715,5530
35Fatima H/s531171444,50
44Ravindra Kelkar H/s531171442,50
53Bhatikar Model H/s5311713540
611Fr Agnel Verna H/s5302611470
76Perpetual Navelim H/s5212510,551,50
812Mahlasa Narayni H/s521259,5410
915Posh English H/s52125852,50
1018Shishu Vikas H/s520349,5410
117Adarsh V V H/s51224837,50
1220T,b Cuhna H/s411247,540,50
138Aim English H/s520346520
1419St Xavier's Velim H/s410338,5340
1513New Era H/s41033636,50
1617Shenvi H/s41033632,50
1716Rosary Fatorda H/s400414,5370
189Crescent H/s000000360
10Damodar H/s000000360
14Popular H/s000000360

Тай-брек1: Matchpoints (variabel)
Тай-брек2: points (game-points)
Тай-брек3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Тай-брек4: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints