Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

We regret that due to a clash of a community charity event at the venue, the Festival will now commence at 2.00 pm instead of 12.30 pm. We regret the inconveniences caused.

Ang Mo Kio Chess Festival Junior (Under 14) Age Group Chess Challenge 2024 - U12

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.12.2024 06:03:35, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy (Singapore) PL

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1Batra, Veer SahilSGP
2Bhimireddy, Harshith ReddySGP
3Chan, Tian Lu RioSGP
4Chan, Yao Zu TimothySGP
5Chin, Yi Hsing DayanaSGPw
6Chong, Xuan YuSGP
7Emmadi, AnirudhSGP
8Harshitha, GaneshSGPw
9Khandhadia, Nivaan RathinSGP
10Kwa, GabrielSGP
11Lam, Zi Zen EthanSGP
12Ng, Wei An DeionSGP
13Ng, Wudijono Hsuan Jen DanielleSGPw
14Oh, Kai An IsaacSGP
15Paramanik, ShaunakSGP
16Ramakrishnan, AdvikaSGPw
17Tan, Tzar Khai JacquesSGP
18Tang, JustinSGP
19Tay, AaronSGP
20Yong, Cheng XiSGP