Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

We regret that due to a clash of events at the venue, the Festival will now commence at 2.00 pm instead of 12.30 pm.
We regret the inconveniences caused.

Ang Mo Kio Chess Festival Junior (Under 14) Age Group Chess Challenge 2024 - U10

Last update 05.12.2024 06:27:57, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy (Singapore) PL

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Starting rank list

1Adhikesavan, AkshitaSGPw
2Hoang, Khai Ming AntonSGP
3Karthik, ViyanSGP
4Lau, Rui Yu DavidSGP
5Lee, Hong EnSGP
6Liu, MinghaoSGP
7Low, Cheng Xun ZacharySGP
8Nithin, SandeepSGP
9Prakesh, YuvarajSGP
10Prok, AlanSGP
11Ramesh, Kumar GurusharanSGP
12Riemer, TylerSGP
13Saisundar, PravedhSGP
14Shrihan, RaulSGP
15Tan, Jun Hon JoelSGP
16Tan, Jung Shan SeanSGP
17Tan, Junpok CadenSGP
18Tan, Yu YangSGP
19Tee, Kai Liang MichaelSGP