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Jamaica College Weekly Blitz

Last update 19.11.2024 00:02:40, Creator/Last Upload: Christopher Anthony Davis

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Starting rank list

1Brandon, WallaceJAM1900Jamaica College
2ACMDavis, Christopher7402848JAM1697University Of Technology Jamai
3Williams, Kevin7408242JAM1160Jamaica College
4Campbell, TedreamJAM1000Jamaica College
5Clunis, ChristainJAM1000Jamaica College
6Harriott, WilliamJAM1000Jamaica College
7Robinson-Porter, DjaeJAM1000Jamaica College
8Scarlett, AntwoneJAM1000Jamaica College
9Weddar, DeandreJAM1000Jamaica College
10Brooks, Dominic7410638JAM0Jamaica College
11Kerr, JosephJAM0Jamaica College