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65. Pojedinacno otvoreno prvenstvo Crne Gore za 2013. g

Darrera actualització28.07.2013 13:32:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1GMDjukic NikolaMNE2543
2GMBlagojevic DragisaMNE2530
3GMKosic DraganMNE2490
4GMDrasko MilanMNE2458
5GMNikcevic NebojsaMNE2441
6IMKalezic BlazoMNE2418
7IMNikac PredragMNE2333
8FMDjukanovic SretenMNE2316
9Mrsevic MiroslavMNE2298
10FMDraskovic LukaMNE2292
11Draganic VeljkoMNE2267
12Batricevic SasaMNE2237
13Scekic VeljkoMNE2181
14Pecurica MilosMNE2176
15FMBatricevic JovoMNE2166
16Kraljevic IvanMNE2142
17Djokovic MirsadMNE2106
18Karisik NenadMNE2086
19Kandic MilojkoMNE2067
20Lekic LazarMNE2054
21Kisic BozidarMNE2047
22Prijovic BojanMNE2034
23Vukovic KrstoMNE1988
24Mitric NebojsaMNE1978
25Tomic AleksandarMNE1970
26Perovic RadeMNE1926
27Stamatovic VladimirMNE1889
28Dedic SlavkoMNE1878
29Misovic SanjaMNE1842
30Bacic KristinaMNE1798
31Djukanovic MitarMNE1777
32Batricevic BozoMNE1766
33Bubanja MilicaMNE1745
34Lakusic ZoranMNE1649
35Radosevic NevenaMNE1463
36Ajanovic BerinaMNE1382
37Radulovic SlavkoMNE0