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BSNL , Chuttugunta, Vijayawada.

20th All India BSNL AP Circle Selection Trails 2024

Last update 18.11.2024 11:19:57, Creator/Last Upload: kvvsarma

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Starting rank list

1Visweswararao, G D K25123947IND1453RMY
2Nooka Naidu K,IND1300VSK
3Surya Chandra Rao K,IND1200CO
4Chaitanya G,IND0GNT
5Dasu Ch,IND0GNT
6Durga Prasad GSV,IND0CO
7Hanumant Rao P,IND0VSK
9Prakash Panchumarthi B,IND0CO
10Ravi Kumar K,IND0VJA
11Srinadh Uday Kumar,IND0VSK
12Subramanyam CH,IND0VJA
13Sunil Babu G,IND0GNT