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I Open Sub2400 Castillo Santa Catalina Cadiz 2024

Last update 04.12.2024 20:58:42, Creator: ESCOBAR DOMINGUEZ, Daniel,Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 543)

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Starting rank list

1Santos Izquierdo, Francisco Javier5161220240920902110Shahmat
2Montalban Rivera, Juan35732222678819891911Chipiona
3Kowalski Rubiales, Nicholas170325459276319791974Shahmat
4Cid Alarcon, Fabio93952454185019381918Ruy Lopez Chiclana
5Romero Valencia, Fernando2381226472219161830Shahmat
6Ramirez Carrasco, Antonio67713209779418511826Alfil Invidente
7Macias Verano, Jose Maria248519478482518021782Shahmat
8He, Jingxuan205239479432417651734Shahmat
9Escobar Garcia, Alberto159435459273917491759Shahmat
10Kowalski Rubiales, Leo206165478319417391654Shahmat
11Gomez Salvador, Santiago198735473059717071718Costa Fenicia
12Xu, Chenjie (Lucas)250559479075216421694Shahmat
13Perez Odero, Gonzalo227149474313416151623Isleña
14Buenadicha Gomez, Ramon174252451488815961588Isleña
15Cid Alarcon, Saul103185456773415811582Ruy Lopez Chiclana
16Alonso De La Huerta, Jose Antonio2938153502364315291319Costa Fenicia