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Finalised prize structure- Overall 1st Prize: $150, 2nd Prize: $120, 3rd Prize: $80, 4th Prize: $50, 5th Prize: $50

Best U1600 Player: $50

Top Unrated Player: $50 , 2nd and 3rd Best Unrated Player: Chess Set

Registration fee of $40 for ALL (Rated&Unrated) Players. WhatsApp Samuel Benedict @ 87258135 for any last-minute registrations or enquiries!

(FIDE RATED) Chess For All Inaugural Rapid Tournament Nov 2024

Last update 23.11.2024 12:33:16, Creator/Last Upload: Saajid.

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Starting rank list

1Amar, Denzel John5211506PHI1976
2CMTan, Jun Hao5805678SGP1907
3AFMKoh, Zhe Quan Benedict5823544SGP1880
4Ding, Shirui8618445CHN1875
5Juaneza, Joshua129057505PHI1754
6AFMAquino, Wil-Israel5265479PHI1745
7AFMChit, Ye Thu13008323MYA1668
8AGMThean, Li Han5821509SGP1650
9Low, Hei Yuet Cheryl5821673SGP1627
10ACMAkhila, Anand129105237FID1585
11Vivaan, Amarnani25953303IND1581
12Lim, Chang Hong5833515SGP1564
13Law, Dominic5820090SGP1553
14Sanjith, Gunasekaran5811520SGP1506
15Wong, Anand5803071SGP1500
16Arjun, Anand33347484SGP1499
17ACMTewari, Siddhant129105193IND1481
18ACMKumaran, Somasundaram5811767SGP1458
19Kher, Kuang Hong5855780SGP1453
20Sivakumar, Palanisamy88194965IND1447
21Yeo, Chengxun Darius5837375SGP1413
22Bikramaditya, Roy33375577IND0
23Chung, Ching Hei Arion5849896SGP0
24Chung, Ching Hong Anders5849900SGP0
25Dharshini, Arulprakash33461910IND0
26Dharun, Arulprakash33465614IND0
27Goh, Yong Han5865786SGP0
28Lal, Reyansh5838916SGP0
29Ng, Lucas5856612SGP0
30Roshann, Rudhrakoti Rameshh25984640IND0
31Wu, Entong8659214CHN0