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National U20 Youth Championship 2024

Last update 17.11.2024 23:49:16, Creator/Last Upload: Denzil Philips

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Starting rank list

1Martinez Gallardo, Kennard7501862AHO1793
2AIMBedi, Vaibhav7501900AHO1694
3Ayubi, Amir7502478AHO1617
4Jansen, Romer7502559AHO1595
5WCMPieter, Liana7502192AHO1584
6Jubitana, Ginger7502842AHO1481
7Jubitana, Vanilla7502850AHO1465
8Bhatia, Falak7502958AHO0
9Bhatia, Kush7502745AHO0
10Chawla, Paarth7503008AHO0
11Cleofa, Adriel7503016AHO0
12Devnani, Yash7503024AHO0
13Diaz De Pool, Xavi7502982AHO0
14Dimaano, Yacoub7503032AHO0
15Elisa, Bjorn7501811AHO0
16Elisa, Collin7502141AHO0
17Khatri, Nisarg7503040AHO0
18Leanez, Daniel7501234AHO0
19Lee, Ashton7502915AHO0
20Van Diepen, Laurens7502990AHO0
21Wu, Jie-Peng7502486AHO0