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Category Details
Under 9,Under 12,Under 15 Boys & Girls Under 25(Common)
First Prize for all categories will be DGT 2010 Chess Clock
Boys categories 30 Prizes Girls Categories 20 Prizes Under 25 ,30 Prizes common
For Online Regn

⏰ CENTURY TROPHY-2024 Tirupur Dist Level Clock Chess Tmt Organized by Century Foundation MHSS,King's Chess Academy Tiruppur contact 98433 31032

Last update 05.12.2024 04:46:11, Creator/Last Upload: IA Umapathy

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Starting rank list

1Jayanth H881145381429U09Ananthi CA
2Aadhava K K0U09Century Matric
3Adhithya Versun N A487885620U12Century Public
4Ajitha A881531850wF12Century Matric
5Gokul V0U15JAI Saradha
6Hardeep0U09Century Matric
7Mohammed Arif J0U12Century Matric
8Muhammed Haseeb0U12Advaitha Intnl
9Nagulan Sivakumar0U25KPR CAS
10Ravivarma M0U25
11Saivarun V S0U09Platos Academy
12Sasidharan U0U12KV Udumalai
13Senthamil Selvan0U09Century Matric
14Sudharshana Sri U0wF12KV Udumalai
15Thamizhinbak Kumaran T0U09Bharathi CA
16Thanika Yazhisai K0wF12Carmel Girls HSS
17Vipin V0U09Velavan Vidyalaya N & P
18Zaara Manha S0wF12Century Matric