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2024 Rapid National Chess Championship

Last update 17.11.2024 22:14:46, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Starting rank list

1Parsons, Justin11101792BAR1878
2Edwards, Emar11103345BAR1791
3Wilson, Louis11104368BAR1670
4Reifer-Belle, Chanon11105186BAR1650
5Blackett, Amari11106590BAR1645
6Clarke, Loki11106646BAR1637
7Jaikaran, Aaron11105275BAR1634
8Little, Savion11106883BAR1630
9Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR1594
10Clarke, Noah11106654BAR1588
11Sinckler, Mileke11105950BAR1565
12Stuart, Charis11106921BAR1531
13Benjamin Layson, Jacob316104990FID1473
14Springer, Leshay11105690BAR1434
15Sparman, Alfred11106042BAR1408
16Archer, Isaiah11106336BAR0
17Toppin, Darren11106786BAR0
18Williams, Caleb11105968BAR0
19Thompson, Boris11100990BAR1715