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Informações: Whatsapp: 16992012728 prof. Alex Fuzatto.
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IRT CLÁSSICO U2200 de Barrinha Memorial "Willian Matayoshi da Silva" R$ 4 MIL EM PRÊMIOS.

Darrera actualització17.11.2024 15:11:43, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Rànquing inicial

1NMBrandao, Renan Alves261202115905BRA203720372107ABSAvulso
2NMValentim Dos Santos, Emanuel357102137402BRA195419542023ABSAvulso
3Toshio Prizon Kajiwara, Flavio5808722756973BRA193819381972ABSRibeirão Preto
4Da Silva Rodrigues, Joao Victor363382136678BRA186418641936ABSAvulso
5Souto Carlos, Roberta310232117347BRA180018001837wABS
6Kazuyuki Kajiwara, Joao365822137356BRA158415841652S65Ribeirão Preto
7Felipe Fuzatto, Davi7307244726074BRA182001820U12Barrinha
8De Oliveira Ribeiro, Thales8812444786131BRA180001800ABS
9Henrique Mendes De Lima, Pedro90591538003619BRA180001800ABSCravinhos
10Rodolpho Guandalini, Caio7501322773584BRA176501765ABS
11Aleixo Nascimento, Sophia93236BRA000wU18
12Antonio De Melo Oliveira, Samuel93240BRA000U18
13Camilly Alexandre, Nadia8251244775520BRA000wU16Batatais
14Ferreira Cabral, Sofia93235BRA000wU14
15Gabriel Trindade Barroso, Maicon8248744759550BRA000U18Barrinha
16Henrique Poeta Queiroz Borges, Ivo93239BRA000ABS
17Luan Da Silva Viana, Mateus93234BRA000U18
18Nunes Dias, Rafael8248844759770BRA000U18Barrinha
19Pagani Cardoso dos Santos, Felipe91661BRA000U18
20Pereira Avelino, Ariane Drielly93238BRA000wU18
21Pereira Della Mota, Lorena93237BRA000wU14
22Pinheiros Rodrigues, Lucas91398BRA000ABSBarrinha
23Rodrigues, Victor93201BRA000U18
24Stampone Xavier, Rayssa87428BRA000wU18