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Rapidas Mayabeque 2024

Last update 15.11.2024 23:40:05, Creator/Last Upload: pinkycuba

Starting rank list of players

3FMAlonso Orta, Osiel Alberto3531279CUB2107
1Garcia Benitez, Omar3503585CUB1978
7Mora Heredia, Yoleysi3504093CUB1931
2Herrera Diaz, Larry3511880CUB1894
9Vazquez Flores, Abraham3517683CUB1845
8Ponciano Perez, Kevin Alejandro3536548CUB1758
5Hernandez Ledo, Richard3538834CUB1700
4Baez Ravelo, Maria Karla3530000CUB1687
6De Juan Matienzo, Brian Lazaro3539237CUB1505