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Last update 16.11.2024 14:54:48, Creator/Last Upload: Tallinn Chess Club;

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Starting rank list

1Vaher, Eino4506740EST2084Rakvere MK
2Pagar, Kalev4506715EST1888Rakvere MK
3Tiisler, Ander4504879EST1739Tartu Kalev
4Murutalu, Aavo4507282EST1709Rakvere MK
5Dunajev, Nikolai4504283EST1665Maleklubi Lootus
6Tammus, Toivo4509307EST1620
7Suun, Mati4526520EST1608- - -
8Poom, Mati4504321EST1530
9Polendik, Tiina4503830EST1528Kose Male-kabeklubi
10Lilleorg, Tonu4517547EST1527Rakvere MK
11Saviir, Villy4513444EST1485Kose Male-kabeklubi
12Veitsurs, ErvinsEST1414Rakvere MK
13Liivak, Sander4513649EST1261Rakvere MK