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Liga Open DXC Série A

Last update 15.11.2024 14:47:35, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Felipe Araujo, RodriguesBRA0
2João Antonio Campos, SantosBRA0
3Wilson Cezar Medeiros, AlvesBRA0
4Pedro Porta, AguileraBRA0
5Luis, TeodósioBRA0
6Guilherme Augusto Silva, MeloBRA0
7Vitor Manuel Nunes, LealBRA0
8Jairo Luiz, SarginskiBRA0
9Maria Alice Veron, GuerinoBRA0
10Diogo Schienemeier, dos SantosBRA0
11Agnaldo José, dos SantosBRA0
12Filipe Augusto Lins, MartinsBRA0
13Marlon da Silva, GuedesBRA0
14Gabriel Yuji Akutsu, SeamaBRA0
15Lucas Ohashi,BRA0
16Ana Julia Alves Amdrade, CavalcanteBRA0
17Luiz Felipe da Silva, SouzaBRA0
18João Victor Ridrigues, de CastroBRA0