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girls u-14

Last update 15.11.2024 11:44:47, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1Bhujel, AshmaNEP0
2Chaudhari, NikitaNEP0Shree Sisneri
3Chaudhary, AnjuNEP0Vidya Punja
4Ghimire, IshaNEP0Shree Shringery
5Ghimire, SujinaNEP0Shree Sisneri
6Limbu, LuckyNEP0Shree Shringery
7Lohar, NirjalaNEP0Balkunja
8Oli, InshuNEP0Bal Kunja
9Rai, SamikshyaNEP0Shree Sisneri
10Shrestha, KrishaNEP0Vidya Punja
11Subedi, SwarnikaNEP0Vidya Punja