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Younger age group allowed to enter the higher age group.

Aimed at promoting longer standard time control especially for the younger players to challenge themselves to be more accustomed to longer quality plays.

MCF Office Age Group Standard Event 2024 - U12

Last update 30.11.2024 12:20:40, Creator/Last Upload: Malaysian Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1‘Athirah, Binti Ahmad Faidzal240500235MAS1390
2Teoh, Chun Meng230600035MAS1286
3Ahmad, Norman Adha Bin Ahmad Faidzal231000072MAS1281
4Desika, Rubhan230500299MAS1204
5Shaveen, Nambiar A/L Denashkumar231000052MAS1198
6Prishantikaa, A/P Rakesh240500176MAS1192
7Ilanchezhliyan, A/L Rathakrishnan240400077MAS1190
8Alex, Ooi Hann Wei230600012MAS1186
9Neoh, Cayson230500165MAS1156
10Jayden, Ng Jun Kit240400234MAS1155
11Son, Hao Yang230500029MAS1148
12Mu’awiyah, Bin Ahmad Faidzal240500236MAS1135
13Kaaviya, A/P Rathakrishnan240400076MAS1091
14Rania, Binti Rosnaidi240100008MAS1084
15Bhadresh, A/L Suresh230100019MAS1071
16Son, Hao Ming230500028MAS1070
17Rudhrasaravanan, A/L Rishikeshan240200019MAS1069
18Haryshwa, A/L Sivam240200173MAS0
19Priteesh, A/L Sivam240700031MAS0
20Rania, Mohd Ridzwan220500346MAS0
21Roshiny, A/P Rajkumar241100073MAS0
22Sharwin, A/L R Suresh241100068MAS0
23Isaac, Teoh Zhi Xiang240300010MAS1283