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Progressive Educational Forum (PEF) Inter School Chess Tournament-2081 Boys

Last update 15.11.2024 10:54:59, Creator/Last Upload: Nshrestha111

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1Baral, RiwajNEP0St. Lawrence School
2Basnyat, RanjanNEP0Lovely Angels AA Vidyalaya, Boudha-
3Humagain, SiddharthaNEP0Mission Public School, Boudha-6
4Kandel, SunabNEP0Anmol Jyoti, Maligaun
5Karki, AarushNEP0Durga Bhawani Academy, Dhumbarahi
6Sherpa, NursangNEP0Mahan Siddhartha High School, Boudd
7Shrestha, PuskarNEP0Mnemonic Modern Academy, Narayantar
8Shrestha, TulasiNEP0Mokshada School, Gaurinagar
9Thapa, AbishNEP0Rudramati Pathshala, Kalopul
10Thapa, NirajanNEP0Lumbini Gyandeep Academy, Chabhil