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1st AV Chess Invitational Rapid Rating Chess Tournament-2024 (bellow 1700)

Last update 15.11.2024 16:18:28, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

11Md Abdul, Hannan10255672BAN1686
3Shah Fawzan, Labib10281924BAN1678
1Thisham, Ahmed Thousif10291210BAN1661
5Rahman, Arfatur10296689BAN1560
4Sinha, Ashim10271015BAN1542
9Ashem, Pookchel532001835BAN0
10Chowdhury, Ruhul Amin532004109BAN0
8Das, RajonBAN0
12Das, RajuBAN0
7Fahim, Tahsin Ahmed10289399BAN0
6Islam, Ayman Awoshaf10289402BAN0
2Mojumder, Parthib10296662BAN0