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Last update 15.11.2024 13:09:24, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank list

1Aidi, PatakNEP0Shree Sisneri
2Ashish Basnet,NEP0
3Bal, Sange DorjeNEP0Shree Shringery
4Chand, PujanNEP0Shree Shringery
5Chaudahry, ShitalNEP0Shree Sisneri
6Chaudhary, Lal senNEP0Mahalaxmi
7Chaudhary, Lal SenNEP0
8Chaudhary, NabinNEP0Shree Sisneri
9Chaudhary, SumanNEP0Shree Sisneri
10Chaudhary, SushilNEP0
11Dahal, AnushNEP0Vidya Punja
12Khatri, AshutoshNEP0Vally Public
13Khatri, RiyazNEP0Vally Public
14Lama, SagarNEP0Shree Shringery
15Lopchan, AbhiNEP0Shree Shringery
16Magar, AminNEP0Shree Shringery
17Magar, SamuyalNEP0Shree Shringery
18Magar, SurajNEP0Shree Shringery
19Rai, RujanNEP0Shree Shringery
20Shrestha, PrajwolNEP0Shree Shringery
21Shrestha, SumitNEP0Balkunja
22Shrestha, SushantNEP0Vidyapunja
23Sushant, SubediNEP0
24Suwal, AnjalNEP0Vidya Punja
25Suwal, RoshantNEP0Mahalaxmi
26Suwal, TejasNEP0Shree Shringery
27Tamang, KrijanNEP0Vally Public
28Tamang, RojNEP0Mahalaxmi