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Cupa Kolping Ed a XVII-a Copii 10 ani 14.12.2024 Timisoara

Last update 05.12.2024 07:40:41, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 15)

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Starting rank list

1FCSirbu, Vlad42236266ROU934Cs Mediator Giarmata Vii
2FCBeko, Timea42230446ROU901Cs Mediator Giarmata Vii
3FCBuftea, Radu-Gabriel42237084ROU901Cs Mediator Giarmata Vii
4FCValeanu, Tudor-ConstantinROU901Cs Mediator Giarmata Vii
5Beko, TamasROU901
6Rusneac, AndreiROU901
7FCTable, Levin-Filip42236282ROU876Acs Sah Club Vados Arad