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UTU 2 (Torneo de la clase) 2024

Last update 05.12.2024 03:17:18, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

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Starting rank list

1Simón LaísURU12008ºA
2Duarte JoséURU11767ºC
3Mazza GregoryURU1100
4Viera MathiasURU11008ºA
5Guedes GeanURU6008ºA
6Batista GabrielURU08ºA
7Cruz CarlosURU09ºB
8Diaz MelanyURU08ºA
9Dos Santos AgustinURU07ºA
10Goncalvez YvoURU07ºB
11Gonzalez NatalyURU08ºB
12Gonzalez YamileURU07ºC
13Guillinea AdrianURU07ºA
14Marquez BraianURU08ºA
15Miranda AxelURU0
16Moraes EnzoURU07ºA
17Sanchez EstebanURU08ºA
18Tris CarmenURU08ºB