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2024 Kansanshi Open Chess Championship - U11 Boys

Last update 19.11.2024 12:38:13, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Bwalya, ChamaZAM0
2Mwape, MatthanZAM0
3Kayungu, MicaiahZAM0
4Nkonde, KafulaZAM0
5Simwinga, TailaZAM0
6Mate, PhilipZAM0
7Chali, JustusZAM0
8Kaoma, KekeZAM0
9Musonda, MapaloZAM0
10Mbewe, JonathanZAM0
11Makumbi, LawrenceZAM0
12Kumwenda, JoshuaZAM0
13Sangwa, KenoZAM0
14Vilgeon, RobertZAM0
15Kaliya, TafadzwaZAM0
16Banda, ChanguZAM0
17Nsabila, MarcusZAM0
18Nangama, BibusaZAM0
19Kunda, AnthonyZAM0
20Katupa, RyanZAM0