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JDNEB 2024-2025 Jalisco Región 18 Individual Varonil

Last update 14.11.2024 18:27:57, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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Starting rank list

1Lopez Vargas, Juan Pablo1627CEPAC
2Cardoso Guzman, Gabino Valentin1280Urbana 151
3Fajardo Aguilar, Jose Ruben0Urbana 233
4Garcia Maraveles, Jose0CET
5Godinez Aguilar, Dante Tadeo Isboseth0Urbana 141
6Gomez Figueroa, Jesus Francisco0Gómez de Mendiola
7Robles Del Villar, Cesar De Jesus0Urbana 213
8Soria Valles, Carlos David0Urbana 890