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337º Torneio KAIZEN Dos Fortes Blitz LBX In Memorian Professor Serjão CG O Burguês Hamburgueria Sudoeste Brasília - DF

Last update 14.11.2024 02:40:21, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

Starting rank list of players

4BREITMAN, Nelson Rodrigues530693BRA2332Brasília (Df)
1Mamedio, Felipe291706BRA2119Piraí Do Norte (Ba)
2Campos, Westerley Batista520611BRA2058Anápolis (Go)
3FONTENELE, Edson Guilherme Lopes Santos530055BRA2043Brasília (Df)
5DA SILVA, Andre Luiz Alves534205BRA1824Brasília (Df)
6LIMA, Joao Claudio Vaz633981BRA1800Brasilia (Df)
7CARDOSO, Daniel Facure608141BRA1664Brasília (Df)