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Note :- Under 8 Category is on15th November 2024, Reporting time is 8:30 am,
For further details contact Mr. Rajesh Dhankher 8920925842

3rd Study isle Chess Tournament U-8

Senast uppdaterad15.11.2024 06:56:36, Creator/Last Upload: Rajesh Dhankher

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1Viraj Pandit,IND1461MRIS 21
2Alice Gautam,IND0MVN 17
3Alishka Rakheja,IND0SNS
4AryanVeer Singh Khurana,IND0SNS
5Avisha Arya,IND0SNS
6Dakshesh Gwadi,IND0GBN
7Hardik Bansal,IND0GBN 21
8Harshiv Gupta,IND0SNS
9Himanshu Chankum,IND0MDIS
10Hridhaan Dhingra,IND0SNS
11Jihaan Gawri,IND0DPS 19
12Kushagra Chaudhary,IND0DPS 19
13Mevan,IND0MRIS 21
14Om Tripathi,IND0MVN 43
15Padmaaksh Mittal,IND0SNS
16Ruhaan Taneja,IND0SNS
17Tarishi Kedia,IND0DPS 81
18Yukti,IND0Vidhya Mandir