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Encuentro Deportivo COBACAM 2024 Fase de Zona A

Last update 13.11.2024 18:08:03, Creator/Last Upload: AO NadirZazueta

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Starting rank list

1Balan, Toto Henry MauricioMEX161013 Calkiní
2Dzul Uc, Jesus Eduardo001 Hecelchakan
3Gonzalez Che, Angel Gabriel007 Tenabo
4Ontiveros Noh, Francisco0EMSaD 01 Ukum
5Palacios de Luna, Pablo David0EMSaD 20 Pich
6Uc Chi, Jesus Antonio0EMSaD 05 Bolonchén
7Yerves Trujeque, Sergio Daniel0EMSaD 11 Dzibalchén