Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Registration closed on 22nd of December or when the registration hits 60 teams (whichever comes first).

Sabah Chess Festival - Junior U18 Team (26 December 2024)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.12.2024 05:55:38, Creator/Last Upload: Kinabalu Chess Academy

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lista startowa drużyn

1Chess Ninja1000Muhammad Hadiff Ziqry
2Endgame Lovers1000Ainnur Asyikin
3Good Game1000Nicodemus Chai
4Rooks Revenge1000Dywane Luiz
5Team 3X1000Charis Teo
6The Checkmate Crew1000Yumna Syakirah
7tHeAydens1000Khairul Hayden Fahym
8VENOM1000Sk Woo