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SFA Under 13 Girls Chess Championship 2024 In Association With Malwanchal Chess Association, Indore

Last update 14.11.2024 11:33:09, Creator/Last Upload: MP Chess

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Starting rank list

1Aparna Mishra,IND0St. Vincent Pallotti School
2Arushi Jain,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
3Athena Kaur Bhatia,IND0Ryan International School Indore
4Dwisha Kulkarni,IND0Delhi Public School, Ujjain
5Hitanshi Jain,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
6Jaladhi Gupta,IND0Eva World School
7Jinali Saraf,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
8Kinjal Pawar,IND0San Thome Academy, Dewas
9Labdhi Dhabria,IND0The Emerald Heights International S
10Labdhi Shah,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
11Misthi Jain,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
12Praavi Singh,IND0Delhi Public School, Ujjain
13Rahela Siddique,IND0Sacred Heart Co-Ed School Indore
14Reva Vyas,IND0Lokmanya Vidya Niketan HS School, I
15Shivani Jain,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
16Siddhiksha Patel,IND0Bellwether International School, Mh
17Suhani Jain,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth
18Yashika Jain,IND0Pratibhasthali Gyanodaya Vidyapeeth