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Campionat d’Escacs Actius per Edats Sub- 14

Last update 01.12.2024 13:09:41, Creator/Last Upload: Jesús Caballero Maytin

Starting rank list of players

1Shustov, Lev39852911712Lloret, Club Escacs
2Faixedas Climent, Carla3813291692Fornells, Club D'escacs
3Vilar Siriphatananukoolchai, Joel59870181600Figueres C.E.
4Massot Cervera, Max3997101578Figueres C.E.
5Font Bardera, Bru59861021516Figueres C.E.
6Sabadi Juher, Gerard3994571454Montgri, C.E.
7Marturia Gandara, Dalila3837061453Platja D'aro, Club Escacs
8Moradell Plana, Salvador3851531372Figueres C.E.