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Campionat d’Escacs Actius per Edats Sub- 10

Last update 01.12.2024 13:11:55, Creator/Last Upload: Jesús Caballero Maytin

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Starting rank list

1Pi Mas, Guillem3983191661Gerunda, C.E.
2Molla Lloveras, Eloi3980741538Platja D'aro, Club Escacs
3Gomez Palomeras, Lluc4003411477Gerunda, C.E.
4Viader Dominguez, Francesc39857461451Gerunda, C.E.
5Jane Albert, Jan3983601446Gerunda, C.E.
6Ungureanu, Gabriel547204461436Lloret, Club Escacs
7Cantillo Navarro, Jordi547204051432Gerunda, C.E.
8Caula Law, Marc39857471409Gerunda, C.E.
9Dong, Luotian547203691408Olot
10Mera Heredia, Jose3978411397Gerunda, C.E.
11Jimenez Diaz, Arnau4005631356Lloret, Club Escacs
12Demchuk Sureda, Jan59877001352Platja D'aro, Club Escacs
13Espartal Moreno, Marc4003091351Guixolenc C.E.
14Iaroshenko, Aleksandr3981531350Gerunda, C.E.
15Goula Zhu, Antonio3995501341Platja D'aro, Club Escacs
16Falco Cajal, Teo3979511333Platja D'aro, Club Escacs
17Puigvert Gonzalez, Aniol3866081251Olot