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Contact Zoltan Helenyi +381 63 85 75 255 (+viber)
Upisnina 3000 din , Nagrade 6 novcanih (prva 15000 din)
Do 4 .kola mogu dve pauze sa remijem

Open Fantastico Winter 2024 SENTA

Last update 04.12.2024 15:50:34, Creator/Last Upload: FA Helenyi

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Alphabetical list of players

1FMBokan Danko9094242107SRB
2Borbas Petar9348951690SRB
3GMDrazic Sinisa9011722255SRB
4Gatin Artur558539271633SRB
5Lorinc Sandor9229192114SRB
6Nagy Abonyi Arnold9314201550SRB
7Nikolic Vuk S9776160SRB
8FMSirotanovic Obrad9090502166SRB
9Vranic Ljubomir9277082083SRB