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6.o Jogos Panamericanos de Surdos - Classico Masculino - 2024 -

Darrera actualització14.11.2024 02:20:51, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Arbiter Viegas - Cesar B Viegas

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Rànquing inicial

1Odio Camue, Ismael3529410CUB1967
2Glasser, Abraham2056720USA1950
3Lopez Rivas, Dagney3529541CUB1854
4Chavez Chavez, Yoani3533638CUB1843
5Carrillo Naranjo, Gerardo6510876CRC1812
6Mendez Rodriguez, Andres David4467957COL1783
7Tuck, Jonathan39918157USA1684
8Van Den Bylaardt, Richard22777865BRA1661
9Rojas, Yorman Ali3907821VEN1624
10Murillo Fernandez, Emilio6544479CRC1554
11Stewart, Branton30967236USA0
12Vogler, Christian P39966267USA0
13Andariola, Guilherme Rodrigues44773439BRA0
14Velez, Manuel AlfonsoECU0
15Escobar, MarcoPAR0
16Duran, Mario PallerolsCUB0
17Bajana, Miguel AndresECU0
18Vallejos, Patricio Andres3446808CHI0
19Cespedes, SebastianPAR0
20Tena Ysla, Victor RaulPER0