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Both Male and Female players will compete in the same pool. The top 15% Male and Female placings (rounded up if there is decimal point) will advance to the Finals. Eligible Finalists will be announced on Chess Results and SCF's social media after each Qualifier.

2024 National Qualifiers B

Last update 22.11.2024 15:46:57, Creator/Last Upload: Singapore Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Gnanasekar, Jai Adithya5833884SGP1904
2Sanjay, Vasu5828678SGP1898
3Wong, Yen-Hsiu Elliot5827701SGP1885
4Siddharth, Sai5823404SGP1870
5Sung, Tze Shyan Evin5832020SGP1817
6Yu, Bei Hao5833639SGP1786
7Chan, Jing Fong Joash5833531SGP1741
8Kuo, Huazhen Nicholas72900679SGP1732
9ACMCheng, Chee Heng Jayden5825423SGP1686
10AIMLim, Huay Leon Warren5802555SGP1676
11Mooi, Kok Onn Osric5800528SGP1670
12Chan, Daniel Yun Jie5838185SGP1662
13Ngu, Joel Yue Zhe5840830SGP1653
14Chia, Zhi Kai Aaron5831350SGP1652
15Liew, Tze Yu5835828SGP1643
16Tobin, Paul Nicholas5829011SGP1634
17Timothy, Gerard Lopez5836506SGP1628
18Ong, Qi Yi5841534SGP1617
19Amarnani, Adityan Vivek22741259BRA1612
20AFMSim, En Rui Audelle5836425SGP1579
21AFMLim, Jing Teng Tyler5846617SGP1553
22Wee, Yu Heng Lucas John5836352SGP1552
23Ng, Jing Xuan Alyssa5828740SGP1548
24ACMNg, Yu Cheng Rigel5840007SGP1546
25Cao, Bangling5834465SGP1546
26Ho, Rui Jie Jonathan5834228SGP1506