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Last update 12.11.2024 04:46:28, Creator/Last Upload: PalenciaJulio

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Starting rank list

1De leon, Juan carlosGUA2000
2Cobos, AlejandroGUA1901
3Cruz, FranciscoGUA1900
4Juarez, SamuelGUA1800
5Piedrasanta, EduardoGUA1800
6Ramos, FelixGUA1800
7Vidaurre, FernandoGUA1800
8Orozco, PabloGUA1750
9Garcia, EddyGUA1700
10Lozano, RicardoGUA1700
11Ortega, VictorGUA1700
12Parra, PabloGUA1700
13Vasquez, EmersonGUA1600
14Zamora, VictorGUA1600
15Cristhian, CobosGUA1525
16Conde, EduardoGUA1500
17Reyes, ManglioGUA1500
18Ramos, HaroldGUA1400