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SIRIUS Open U1800 by A.C.C. ΠΑΡΑΒΟΛΟ : 25 ΕΥΡΩ

Last update 04.12.2024 13:51:32, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Hatzistamatiou, Nikolaos25812262GRE1841
2Kyriazis, Alexandros4213963GRE1812
3Kastis, Fotis25800884GRE1793
4Fotiadis, Filippos4295579GRE1790
5Kazakos, Panteleimon42192862GRE1716
6Papadopoulos, Emanouil4211650GRE1591
7Konstantinidis, Dimitrios Gk25895206GRE1518
8Rafeletos, Apostolis42152968GRE1515
9ACMNikolakis, Konstantinos42156548GRE1486
10AIMAvgoustatos, Gerasimos42197945GRE0
11AFMDavalas, Charalampos25872770GRE0
12Grigoropoulos, Ioannis4281047GRE0
13Kavalieros, Antonios42185173GRE0
14Stathopoulos, Sergios42180406GRE0