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3er Torneo CC Parque las americas

Last update 10.11.2024 20:47:22, Creator/Last Upload: PalenciaJulio

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Starting rank list

1Cobos, AlejandroGUA1901
2Carballo, VictorGUA1880
3Palencia, JulioGUA1850
4Cobos, CristhianGUA1526
5Perez, EsdrasGUA1500
6Sacriste, FrankGUA1460
7Martinez, JavierGUA1450
8Flores, AlexGUA1400
9Garcia, WilliamGUA1400
10Larrave, MiaGUA1400
11Lopez, LuisGUA1400
12Perez, DennisGUA1400
13Arcia Padilla, Nigella CarolinaGUA1400
14Arcia Cerrato, Pedro JoaquinGUA1400
15Gabriel, RicardoGUA1400