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Liga Chessland Academy 2024-2025 Torneo 10/11/2024

Last update 10.11.2024 21:06:18, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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Starting rank list

1Macias Gonzalez, Luis Mariano1775
2Saavedra Tapia, Jesus Alexander1723
3Lopez Vargas, Juan Pablo1618
4Guzman Heredia, Omar Leonel1614
5Ortiz Valerio, Julian Mateo1601
6Lopez Virgen, Rolando Matias1575
7Hernandez Moreno, Antonio Nicolas1467
8Perez Perez, Matias1451
9Castillo Lugo, Jose Maria1436
10Antimo Becerra, Andres Leonel1430
11Garcia Castro, Paulo Rodrigo1417
12Alvarez Angel, Jorge Patricio1398
13Figueroa Lepe, Daniela1375
14Garcia Castro, Christian Fernando1366
15Garcia Castro, David Alejandro1365
16Castellanos Fonseca, Dylan Daniel1362
17Villagrana Correa, Luis Fernando1341
18Molina Hernandez, Angel David1322
19Lopez Ortiz, Alan Emanuel1308
20Hernandez Sanchez, Alonso1254
21Gomez Higuera, Frida1253
22Saavedra Tapia, Emily Natalia1217
23Castillo Lugo, Carolina0
24Trevizo Carrillo, Sergio Daniel0