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XX Torneo Estudiantil de Ajedrez IEST 2024 Categoría Preparatoria Mixta.

Last update 17.11.2024 08:40:07, Creator/Last Upload: AJEDREZ CON PROPÓSITO AC

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Starting rank

1Angeles Vera, Mario Alberto5181470MEX1828Instituto Anglo Mexicano
2Hernandez Gomez, Hector GaelMEX1850ICEST
3Rivera Martinez, Maximiliano5181445MEX1759CETis 109
4Garcia Guevara, Melany PaolaMEX1720CBTis 103
5Ostos Vazquez, Nicolas5188334MEX1699CETis 109
6Ramos Puga, Paola Cristal5188709MEX1668CETis 109
7Enriquez Corona, Jesus AaronMEX1665CBTis 103
8Cano, Granados Sofia De LourdesMEX1582IEST
9Villalobos, Del Angel SantiagoMEX1557GEM
10Rivera, Chavez Luciano Adan5166659MEX1400CBTis
11Aguilar Duarte, Andre DinatalyMEX0CBTis 103
12Alanis Rodriguez, Jorge AdrianMEX0CBTis 105
13Alvarez Hernandez, Dariel ZaidMEX0IEST
14Calderon Hernandez, Brayan JesusMEX0Prepa Miguel Hidalgo
15Cantu Ontiveros, SalvadorMEX0CETMar 43
16Cardenas Morales, Angel RamónMEX0COBAT 15
17Castillo Barrios, Luis DavidMEX0CETis 78
18Castro Corral, ReanudMEX0UNE
19Chavez Delgado, Jose AlejandroMEX0UNE
20Cortez Santiago, Guillermo DanielMEX0ICEST T. C.
21Davalos Hernandez, Rogelio AsdrubalMEX0CETis 78
22Delgado Curiel, Meredith MarisolMEX0CETis 109
23Diaz Fernandez, JoseMEX0IEST
24Diaz Gallegos, Tabatha EdtihMEX0COBAT 15
25Garces Ramos, Carlo SaidMEX0CBTis 164
26Godoy Gaytan, Arath ManuelMEX0CBTis 105
27Gonalez Hernandez, Alondra AnaisMEX0ICEST
28Gonzalez Cabañas, Jesus EmanuelMEX0CETis 78
29Gonzalez Morazan, Carlos GabrielMEX0CETMar
30Guevara Diego, Christopher BenignoMEX0CETis 22
31Hernandez Corona, PabloMEX0CETis 78
32Hernandez Hernandez, AlejandroMEX0COBAT 15
33Hernandez Maldonado, Luis AlbertoMEX0Instituto Anglo Mexicano
34Hernandez Sanchez, Coral VanesaMEX0CETis 78
35Interiano Yeoman, Miguel AngelMEX0UNITAM
36Laguna Cerda, Fausto EduardoMEX0CETMar 43
37Lara Duarte, EvelynMEX0CBTis 103
38Laureano Gonzalez, Hannah EdithMEX0CBTis 164
39Leon Ayala, Hector de JesusMEX0IEST
40Leyva Alemndariz, Jose RobertoMEX0ICEST
41Maldona Arcos, NarahiMEX0CBTis 98
42Malewski Villafranco, Erick YahirMEX0CBTis 164
43Martinez Cobos, Kevin EduardoMEX0IEST
44Maya Nacianceno, DanielMEX0CETis 109
45Mendez Gutierrez, Yabel AlexanderMEX0COBAT 15
46Morales Guevara, Ivan OmarMEX0CBTA 12
47Morales Vargas, Johan SebastianMEX0CBTis 164
48Muñoz Garcia, Alfonso OthonielMEX0CBTis 103
49Nuñez Rodriguez, Patricia VianerMEX0CBTis 164
50Polanco del Angel, FernandaMEX0COBAT 15
51Polanco del Angel, RaulMEX0COBAT 15
52Ramirez Carrizalez, Isis YunuenMEX0IEST
53Ramirez Santos, MichelMEX0CBTis 164
54Ramirez Soberano, DamianMEX0CETMAR 09
55Ramos Aniceto, Miguel AngelMEX0CETis 78
56Reyes Campechano, Carlos AbrahamMEX0CETis 78
57Robles Gonzalez, JoselinMEX0IEST
58Rodriguez Esteban, Mario CalebMEX0IEST
59Rolon X, Gabriel GudalupeMEX0CETMar 09
60Ruiz Martinez, Karim AlbertoMEX0CBTis 164
61Samoya Chavez, Manuel de JesusMEX0ICEST
62Sifuentes RAmos, Jesus IrwinMEX0CBTis 103
63Sobrevilla García, Luis EnriqueMEX0CETis 78
64Sotelo Sanchez, Bran JobMEX0CBTis 164
65Tenerio Rojas, Brian AlexisMEX0CBTis 103
66Treviño Luna, Alexis UrielMEX0CBTis 105
67Vargas Lorenzo, Sergio AlexanderMEX0CETis 78
68Yañez Sanchez, Erick AntonioMEX0Cetmar 09
69Polanco Del Angel, ArturoMEX0COBAT 15
70Gutierrez Lopez, Madelin5181542MEX1186CBTis 103
71Nava Galvan, Jonathan JesusMEX0CBTIS 164
72Ortiz Marin, Hugo VicenteMEX0IEST
73Perez Chaparro, Christopher TadeoMEX0CBTis 105
74Magallanes Romero, Abelardo29600022MEX1707ITMY
75Ramirez Castillo, Edgar RubenMEX0CBTis 164
76De Jesus Romer, Jesus AlexanderMEX0CBTis 164
77Mendez Arguelles, Angel DanielMEX0CBTis 164
78Chavez Delgado, Jose AlejandroMEX0UNE
79Chaves Villagomez, Rodrigo GaelMEX0CBTis 164
80Gonzalez Morazain, CarloMEX0