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Torneio Natal JTC 2024

Last update 01.12.2024 14:14:55, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank list

1Nilton Rosa De Oliveira JrBRA2296Jtc
2Marco De Castro CoutinhoBRA1956Jtc
3Willy PetrenkoBRA1936Jtc
4Luiz Carlos Rodrigues Da SilvaBRA1918Jtc
5Mauro Henrique De MoraesBRA1905Jtc
6Perivaldo SantanaBRA1890Jtc
7Maximiano Goncalves ReboredoBRA1888Jtc
8Claudio Teixeira Azeredo MartinsBRA1859Jtc
9Marcelo Felipe de AndradeBRA1856Jtc
10Marcio Roberto Oliveira LimaBRA1837Jtc
11Ernesto Cesar Ourique SchlobachBRA1829Jtc
12Luis Guilherme Rosado CarneiroBRA1753Alex
13José Rodrigues JrBRA1568Jtc
14Jorge Henrique Alves RodriguesBRA1500Cxmeier