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Last update 09.11.2024 20:08:33, Creator/Last Upload: Club Metropolitano

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Starting rank list

1Herrera Retana, Gerardo6524915CRC1926Club Uvieta
2Lezcano Martinez, Christopher6558453CRC1648San Jose
3Jiron Beirute, Adrian6530834CRC1621
4Loria Molina, Sofia6556566CRC1567San Jose
5Gonzalez Villalba, Ariel6522076CRC1563
6Baum Gutierrez, Ismael6505392CRC1558Club Uvieta
7Morales Zumbado, Raul6518303CRC1551
8Corrales Mora, Fernando6523218CRC1451Club Uvieta
9Escobar Barquero, Christian6524419CRC1400San Jose
10Espinoza Cortes, Miguel Angel6521177CRC1400Club Uvieta