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17. turnir "Šahovske nade Bosne i Hercegovine" U-18

Last update 17.11.2024 15:59:17, Creator/Last Upload: Boris Budimir

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Starting rank list

1Sisic, Muhamed14419530BIH2241U18
2FMLazic, Emanuel14412594BIH2205U16
3Topoljak, Mehmed14418240BIH2021U16
4Jovanovic, Darko A14427001BIH1996U16
5Ivanovic, Milan J14422530BIH1953U16
6Pavicic, Karlo14419343BIH1912U18
7Becic, Orhan14418606BIH1904U16
8Vukovic, Sara14418010BIH1760wU16