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17. turnir "Šahovske nade Bosne i Hercegovine" U-14

Last update 17.11.2024 15:48:58, Creator/Last Upload: Boris Budimir

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Starting rank list

1Mesic, Ado14426412BIH1928U14
2Hatibovic, Nermin14428202BIH1832U14
3Gavrilovic, Sofija14426463BIH1702wU14
4Arandjelovic Rakas, Jona14424398BIH1659wU14
5Vukoje, Marija14430037BIH1632wU12
6Busic, Mateo14439590BIH1622U12
7Galic, Lucija14424169BIH1619wU12
8Sekulic, Pavle9215543BIH1575U12