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Cheltenham Inter House Chess Championship

Last update 09.11.2024 04:20:56, Creator/Last Upload: Oman Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Al Jabri, Hamza0
2Al Lawati, Ammar0Osprey
3Al Mahrooqi, Salim0
4Al Riyami, Ayoub0Osprey
5Al Riyami, Hamza0
6Dernaika, Issam0Osprey
7Issa, Yousef0Falcon
8Kaul, Riya0Kestrel
9Maiya, Nishmit0Osprey
10Rashid, Anabtawe0
11Savvides, Lazaros0Kestrel
12Stearns, Elyas0Falcon