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Younger age group allowed to enter the higher age group.

Aimed at promoting longer standard time control especially for the younger players to challenge themselves to be more accustomed to longer quality plays.

MCF Office Age Group Standard Event 2024 - U08

Last update 10.11.2024 03:17:40, Creator/Last Upload: Malaysian Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1‘athirah, Binti Ahmad Faidzal240500235MAS1390
2Ler, Hong Jin240200193MAS1255
3Ilanchezhliyan, A/L Rathakrishnan240400077MAS1190
4Andrew, Micheal240100132MAS1177
5Akhilessh, Vesvanathan240400253MAS1161
6Clare, Micheal240100131MAS1157
7Mu’awiyah, Bin Ahmad Faidzal240500236MAS1135
8Hemmish, Sivananthan241100026MAS0
9Nik, Adeeb Bin Nik Mohd Adlan221000004MAS0
10Parreshann A/L Perananthan,0MAS0