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3rd Scholastic Chess tournament - U10

Last update 09.11.2024 16:41:25, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Acheampong, JedidiahGHA0
2Adje Wilson, Nico WilliamsGHA0
3Agambire, AwinGHA0
4Ajeigbe, Aaron-AnthonyGHA0
5Alarcon, AlbertoGHA0
6Bonsi, DavidGHA0
7Darko, AmielGHA0
8Donkor, Kymani NkansahGHA0
9Hamoui, LeaGHA0
10Ibrahim, AbubakarGHA0
11Ibrahim, SorhlemGHA0
12Laryea, King AsherGHA0
13Lescaux, ElliotGHA0
14Moolchandani, ShivGHA0
15Moonchandani, RahilGHA0
16Otoo-Quayson, KaydenGHA0
17Owusu, Krystelle Adwoa AgyeiwaaGHA0
18Quansah, MaximillianGHA0
19Singh, RidhamGHA0
20Valajega, Othneal WeniahGHA0
21Williams, ElsieGHA0
22Ayariga, ZaynGHA0